Verbe Essayer (to try) in Present Tense

Verbe Essayer (to try) in Present Tense

The verb essayer is commonly used in French. Here are its present tense conjugations:

  • J’essaie (I try)
  • Tu essaies (You try)
  • Il/Elle/On essaie (He/She/One tries)
  • Nous essayons (We try)
  • Vous essayez (You try)
  • Ils/Elles essaient (They try)

Usage Examples:

  1. J’essaie de comprendre. (I try to understand.)
  2. Tu essaies la nouvelle recette? (Are you trying the new recipe?)
  3. Il essaie de parler français. (He tries to speak French.)
  4. Nous essayons d’arriver à l’heure. (We try to arrive on time.)
  5. Vous essayez cette méthode? (Are you trying this method?)
  6. Ils essaient de résoudre le problème. (They try to solve the problem.)

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